Friday, September 5, 2008


What lovey dovey ? I was reading the posts but was lazy to look up how to login etc…but now got around to it so here I am. Me mainly been busy with assignments etc.. finals coming up on Aug 26/27 and another take home. So you can imagine. Nothing much else happening at the moment. About to start seriously preparing for going into Consulting (My top choice right now) and may be Marketing (second choice). Now that I have looked up my login, I can try to be more regular :D

-- AJ

1 comment:

  1. Dude, you will never escape my chaluness 😉 Got you to make an entry, didn’t I? 🙂


Every day is Earth Day!

In honor of Earth Day today, here's Boog making recycled paper! And Shoo's beautiful Earth Day poster from 2019!