Sunday, August 17, 2008

Skiing trip

So we went skiing. Long drive. Woke up at 5 and started driving at 6 am. Had rented all the gear the previous night. NM and I slept through at least part of the journey. The mountains were beautiful and the place was packed with skiers and snowboarders. Took us a while to get our snow gear and skii shoes on and then trudge across with our skis and poles. Made it to the ski school just in time for the lesson. NM in two different groups and then V and I in one. Sobering experience for me to try skiing as I was quite atrocious at it. Alright, so I can’t be good at everything. Mith was not too enthused either. Was more interested in making snow angels and snow balls. Cutie-pie.

V wasn’t much better than me (although he will never agree!!!). N seem to have the best handle on things. I think what we all enjoyed the most was the ride in the ski lift. Up and down we went, enjoying the view of all the skiers, some succeeding, some falling over and over. The mountains around were truly spectacular. It snowed/sleeted all day. Fortunately, none of us were cold. We were bundled up well enough.

Next time, NM want to just go tobogganing. That’s all they really want. To play. The rest is irrelevant. Isn’t it great to be a kid?

So, spent a whole lot of money and came back with muscle and body aches. Had to rest on Sunday. But it was an experience!!!


1 comment:

  1. The pictures are very cute 🙂

    The first time is usually terrible (mine was way worse…and I had the meanest instructor on the planet too). You have to go at least a second time to start experiencing the thrill of coming down the slope. But all in all, it does take a lot of time, effort and money. You need an “enthu cutlet” like Da to make it happen over and over again.


Every day is Earth Day!

In honor of Earth Day today, here's Boog making recycled paper! And Shoo's beautiful Earth Day poster from 2019! ...