A hundred thousand miles, a hundred thousand miles, a hundred thousand miles, a hundred thousand miles,
Yes, we’ve driven a hundred thousand miles in the Santa Fe
Not just five, not just ten, not just twenty, not just fifty
Lord, we’ve come a hundred thousand miles away
I hope you all know what tune to sing that to :)
Well, it actually touched 101010 miles today, 100100 miles on Aug 5 and 100000 on Aug 1. Of course, there goes 100000 mile warranty but it’s a good time to look back at all the fun we’ve had in this car. Remember, everyone from the family has sat in this car and everyone except Pi has driven it (we must fix this the next time Pi visits). Some of the great trips in this car:
Florida - July 2002 (Vi, GG, N, M, AJ, B)
Virginia - July 2002 (Vi, GG, N, M, KB, AJ, B)
Numerous trips to NY, DC (anyone want to list the details?)
Cross country on I-40 (Da, B)
Numerous trips within CA
NM still talk about its soft back seats.
Oh, if you only knew how they love your car and still talk about it.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I am remembering the 5 hour drive from Chapel Hill the day it snowed in Raleigh.
Hope you keep it running for another 100,000, woman!
He he, I remember you had to make a susu stop on the roadside 🙂 Kitts remembered the time we used it to transport the whole bedroom set from chapel hill to raleigh and we had to swap being gollum in the midst of all the furniture…
ReplyDeleteAnd you had to put that information in a public space because?????
All’s fair on the B-log 😉