Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Alaska Trip - Denali National Park, Seward

July 1, 2009 - July 7, 2009

Landed in Anchorage on July 1, ~11:35pm. We booked our tickets using Northwest miles and got first class on the forward journey. The first class lounge experience was ordinary; they didn’t have a vegetarian meal for us (the ticket said

“NONE” for meal service or we’d have specified our choice in advance). We just had salad, drank a lot a lot of diet cola and ate some chips. It was good to get their DigEPlayer though I have to say the screen is pretty small and unclear. We both watched “Quantum of Solace” on our individual DigEs. It’s not better than a laptop but the advantage was not having to worry about battery power or carrying DVDs. I also watched an episode of Bones once that was through. R watched best of 2008 Ads or something. I sat in the aisle seat because of my current claustrophobia issues. R enjoyed the window seat…great views of Portland and then Alaska itself. The other advantage was that it never got dark since we were traveling north at this time of year.

1 comment:

  1. What is this short little post ? Nice start but it needs to be continued :)



Every day is Earth Day!

In honor of Earth Day today, here's Boog making recycled paper! And Shoo's beautiful Earth Day poster from 2019! ...