July 1, 2009 - July 7, 2009
Landed in Anchorage on July 1, ~11:35pm. We booked our tickets using Northwest miles and got first class on the forward journey. The first class lounge experience was ordinary; they didn’t have a vegetarian meal for us (the ticket said
“NONE” for meal service or we’d have specified our choice in advance). We just had salad, drank a lot a lot of diet cola and ate some chips. It was good to get their DigEPlayer though I have to say the screen is pretty small and unclear. We both watched “Quantum of Solace” on our individual DigEs. It’s not better than a laptop but the advantage was not having to worry about battery power or carrying DVDs. I also watched an episode of Bones once that was through. R watched best of 2008 Ads or something. I sat in the aisle seat because of my current claustrophobia issues. R enjoyed the window seat…great views of Portland and then Alaska itself. The other advantage was that it never got dark since we were traveling north at this time of year.
What is this short little post ? Nice start but it needs to be continued :)